If you've been following us for awhile, you'll know this post is a refresh of our bandana-wearing guide from 2015! We've had six years of experimenting with bandana looks, and have recently spotted a few new styles we've been wanting to try out!
#1 - The Half-Up Head Band

This is a twist on an old favorite. If you have long hair, you're probably constantly looking for ways to get it out of your face. Roll the bandana from opposite sides toward the middle and fold flat. Get your hair to lay in its natural way, take the bandana by the ends and "catch" the back of your head with the center/flat part of the bandana. Then pull hair toward the front of your face (in front of your ears) and carefully tuck it behind the bandana. Pins help!
#2 - The Simple Knot Around Neck

This is my personal favorite - a tightly rolled bandana draped around your neck and tied as close to the ends as possible. Its a great unisex look! When I'm out in the heat and know I might need to dab my dewy face, I prefer it to a statement necklace - so much more functional!
#3 - The Fitted Back Neck Knot

This is the latest bandana style I've spotted and have been wanting to try. I think it would be great for fall/winter because it provides full neck coverage. Roll up your bandana to be pretty wide and tie at the back of your neck. You want it to be pretty fitted (kind of like a choker if you will).
#4 - The Bag Wrap

Donning your bandana on your Tchoup Industries backpack or shoulder bag is always a fun way to dress up your bag while having your bandana handy at all times!
Ready to give it a try?
Shop our new bandanas online. Each purchase donates back to SOUL New Orleans, its like a virtual tree hug!
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