Tchoup Press: Shreveport Times Feature


We made the front page!

More press from our friends at We Shop American and Idea Coterie! The Shreveport Times did a great piece on them and chose Tchoup as one of the highlighted brands, along with Blue Delta Jeans. Here’s a few of our favorite parts!

Handmade, in New Orleans:

“By using handwoven fabrics from New Orleans weavers and buckles made in Louisiana, [Tchoup Industries] is able to create items with a high-end lifestyle aesthetic but still rooted in domestically sourced materials.”

The future of Tchoup:

“Having sold its first bag earlier this year, and with only two people on staff, Tchoup Industries has very little exposure and product movement compared to large-scale operations. ‘We’re starting out really slowly and growing organically,’ Dunn said. Dunn, who has decades of experience designing bags and other products, isn’t looking to expand rapidly but does hope the partnership with will contribute to her reinvestment goals. ‘We hope to keep putting money back in the business to have a facility with [workers] making bags and perhaps a retail store for people to come in and experience the building of the bag and our other products.'”

Shreveport Times Close up

Why we shop American:

“‘Buying American helps keep the dollars at home and increases the multiplier effect of the money spent as it ripples through our economy,’ said Scott Martinez, president of North Louisiana Economic Partnership. ‘For every dollar spent on buying American-made products, you support jobs in the U.S. And those families spend money in our local communities, so the money turns over multiple times.'”
 We are excited to have been included in this piece and can’t wait to see more from We Shop American!




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