Meet Your Maker: Begneaud Manufacturing

A big part of the Tchoup mission is about sourcing our materials as locally as possible.  That local sourcing often leads to us spending lots of time with the folks who weave our panels, provide our alligator skins, or make our signature bottle opener hooks. Hearing their stories deepens our connection with where our materials are coming from. Now, we want to share those stories with you.


This Meet Your Maker is more about a team than one person. Begneaud Manufacturing is a metal fabricator in Lafayette, LA (about 3 hours from the Tchoup Industries studio) who makes, and helped design, our signature bag hooks, that double as bottle openers. At the helm of the operation is Don Begneaud, a man best described as someone who like to find answers to problems.

All over the Begneaud Manufacturing offices and production facility are little items Don designed to fix a problem, from sidewalk grates to paper towel dispensers. He is also know for his great bar-b-que and annual crawfish boils! He was gracious enough to talk with his about his business and his life.

Its a shame that these are short videos because Mr. Don had enough good stories for a feature film!

Meet your Maker – Begneaud Manufacturing from Laura Doré on Vimeo.

If you’d like to test out your new hook/bottle opener, an ice cold Swamp Pop, another great Lafayette, LA company, goes great with our Happy Hour Keyring!

Edit Happy Hour Key Ring Swamp Pop

A thank you goes to The Joy Drops for the use of their song Bernadette as the mood music for this video.

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